Kids Being More Awesome

Free Toys

Trying to get your child to clean their room is never an easy task. Blake’s mother was talking with him one night about his to-do list for the next day and just like a normal child he didn’t want to clean his room. His Mom told him toys are a blessing and he should be […]

Teacher welcomes students with an inspirational note.

A teacher from Bowen State School in Queensland, Australia welcomed her fourth-grade class back to school with a very inspirational letter that has gone viral. She wanted the class to feel comfortable and confident in her classroom so she posted a welcome letter on the door along with goodie bags for every new student. Each […]

Dancing Dr. D!

Dr. D was a resident in the Hershey NICU when Adam (my son) was inpatient… and he was (and clearly still is) the JAM. Incredibly skilled, vibrant and full of life, and absolutely invested in his patients. This makes my heart so happy! Check him out here!

Kylie and Liza

Some things are meant to be together, like peanut butter and jelly, the sun and the sand, and Kylie and Liza. Watch the beautiful story of Kylie & Liza, but you might want to have a whole box of tissues handy!

A Helping Ham in Lancaster County

Harlequin Rose (Harley for short), the therapy pig, brightens Thursdays at Luther Acres. Harley is an 85-pound therapy pig that visits the residents weekly. Residents are always so happy to see her little red wagon roll up on Thursdays. Keep reading to learn more about Harley and her amazing owner, Chris Hainley.

A Boy and his dog

Quinn Scharn, 12-years-old, beat cancer two times. The first time was when he was a baby and the second was when he was 10 and they found cancer in his hip. Doctors had to amputate Quinn’s leg. On the day of his surgery, Quinn said he wanted a 3-legged dog. After two years of research […]

6 year old donates money to tornado victims

Michelle Morton, a 6 year old kindergartener from Rowlett Texas, has touched many hearts after she donated all of her birthday and tooth fairy money to tornado victims in her home town. Every day on her way to school she sees the damage from a tornado that ripped through the town of Rowlett in 2015. […]

7 year old sells lemonade so he can buy his own pony

Sebastian Kent, 7 years old, from Queensland, Australia, sold lemonade for over two years to save up money so that he could buy his very own pony. His parents give Sebastian the surprise of his life. Watch the video to see his reaction.

Kids choose between helping a homeless man or getting ice cream

As an experiment, one dollar was given to four 6 year old children and they were faced with two choices – to buy ice cream for themselves or to give the dollar to a homeless man. What do you think they will do? Watch and see for yourself.

“Unadoptable” Child Bonds with Cop

Master Deputy Mike Gibson is an officer in South Carolina. He is also the resource officer at the Spartanburg School District Six school in South Carolina. While in the school, Master Deputy Gibson started to bond with one child. He learned that this child had been in and out of eight or nine foster homes […]